Drew Jensen wrote:
Fred A. Miller wrote:
Drew Jensen wrote:


Are there individuals, companies, that would rather go the pick and choose route - of course there are, but I submit that this is not the majority of prospective SMB users...they have neither the time, personnel nor inclination to do so.

Anyway - just some of my personal thoughts..

I was going to stay out of this as well, but now I won't. If OO were doing so badly as a quality solid solution, it wouldn't be THE office suite in many parts of the world - period! Obviously, in many of those countries, they use Linux instead of MickySoft and use either KMail or Thunderbird for mail. ONLY the US is MickySoft centric and that is illogical, but then, Americans for the most part lost their ability to think logically a long time ago. Further, having been involved in IT since '80, I can assure you that the #1 reason MickySoft has maintained their "#1" spot IS primarily due to illegal and grossly underhanded actions and NO OTHER.


Glad we could have this enlightening exchange of ideas Fred..

You're welcome. 'Past time this nonsense was put to rest. MickySoft is what it is, and sooner or later will diminish in size and power, IF users in the US unplug their heads from their butts like so many outside out boards have already done.


MickySoft Aims to Lasso Everything With Live Mesh.
What will get "lassoed" is your private data as
hackers, virus and trojan writers have a field day!

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