Kenn Goutal wrote:
Is it possible to define a paragraph style
such that the before-text indent
is relative to the before-text indent of the previous line,
or something like that?

Being really adamant about having this this way, I poked around some more,
and came up with this:

Change the heading styles so that the outer-most / top-most headings
have no indent (as they are now), and all others have the same indent
as each other, say 1/2" or 1cm or whatever.

Change the text styles likewise.  Basically, because they are not going
into the TOC, they can all just degenerate to un-indented text
and indented text.

It happens that any given heading is followed by the corresponding text.
Change it so that any given heading (except the top one)
is followed by indented text.

As the only text below a given heading, create a frame.
Within the frame, enter whatever text is necessary.
When appropriate, enter a lower-level heading.

Immediately following any heading, insert a new frame,
whose width is smaller than the previous one by whatever is necessary.
This requires some figuring -- I can't see a way to make this automatic.
Anchor it "as character".  It will then line up where it's supposed to be.

Oh.  And remove the default border from each frame.

Continue ad absurdum.

I have to say that while this works, and is better than the original
alternative, it's still pretty awkward.
So, I'm going to look into Outline "style",
as suggested by John Kaufmann.

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