Marshall Feldman wrote the following on 5/15/2008 8:45 PM:

I don't know what's going wrong. The original problem was due to the fact
that I'm using Outlook, and it was breaking the URL. The URL did not fit on
a single line, and Outlook was inserting a newline in the address. The
actual URL ends with "10641" To fix the problem, I rewrote the URL without
any indentation, and this time if fit on a single line, so Outlook didn't
mess with it.

This time, when I received my message from, the link
was intact and I had no trouble clicking on it to go to the web site.

In any case, use this URL:

If the above URL is split between two lines, make sure there are no embedded
spaces, and make sure the line ends with 10641.

        Marsh Feldman


In Thunderbird your linked text looks fine but the underlying link is not correct (at least for me). And no, the line wasn't split. The hyperlink itself ends with "messageID=106419?" In other words, the tail end of what is supposed to be the url - "&#10641" is cut off and a "?" takes its place. So if you can click on the link in Outlook and get to the correct url then Outlook is doing a better job at it than Thunderbird is. At least that's the way TBird is acting on my machine.

In spite of what the way TBird is acting, I did get to the url without too much difficulty. Copy and paste rather than clicking the link. My question now is, which software package did you use for your conversions to flash? SUPER or another program? I didn't see where you had replied to that question.


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