2008/5/22 Jason Cipriani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 10:22 PM, rob clement <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is Microsoft's new "support"of ODF 1.1 an attempt to cause problems for
> > OpenOffice 3.0 in September as that will support ODF 1.2?
> >
> > Conspiracy theory it maybe or simply at attempt to slow down the take-up
> of
> > OOo 3.0?
> In my little circle it's the other way around. The longer MSOffice
> goes without supporting ODF, the longer I can tell people "here is an
> ODF document, you'll have to go grab OpenOffice to edit it, it's
> really easy to set up"... I think they're just realizing "hey --
> OpenOffice -and- GoogleDocs both support this, *maybe* it's time to
> get up to speed here". I can't imagine any harm that could come to
> anything except MSOffice if they didn't start supporting ODF like
> everybody else so... that doesn't really seem like the makings of any
> conspiracy theory to me!
> Jason

To my mind, the really fascinating thing about this Microsoft announcement -
aside from the fact that it comes, as I have mentioned earlier, just after
MS decided to appeal an EC fine and that, as Jason points out above, it
doesn't refer to ODF 1.2 - is that the proposed update to MS Office 2007
will not support Microsoft's own OOXML «standard» - the one that the firm
bribed, cajoled, and coerced into acceptance by ISO (
http://tinyurl.com/6xdk4d) ! The deviousness of these chaps takes deception
to unprecedented levels....


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