2008/6/18 Joe Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Uwe Brauer wrote:
>> ...
>> 5 6 sum(A3:B3)
>> However although I can in writer define formulas in tables, this
>> particular feature seems not to be implemented. ...
> Formula references are adjusted in Writer just as they are in Calc, however
> the formula syntax is quite different in Writer: the formula you're using is
> valid in Calc but not valid in Writer.
> Use the formula bar's function drop-down and click in the table cells to
> insert references in the proper syntax. If you do that, you'll see that the
> correct formula in cell C1 is:
> =sum <A1:B1>
> If you copy that cell into C2 and C3, you'll see that the references are
> adjusted automatically.
> Errrm. Not on OOo 2.4.0 Win XP Pro SP2. On this combination, the *value*
gets copied, *not* the [adjusted] formula. What combination are you using to
get the adjusted formula copied as you say?

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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