NoOp wrote:

> On 06/22/2008 08:16 PM, Pedro Izecksohn wrote:
>> --- I wrote:
>>> ...
>>> The first line is text and the other lines are an inserted table. The
>>> table is printed, but not the text.
>>> On real documents nothing is printed at all, but something empty is
>>> sent to the printer spooler.
>>> I'm using 2.4.1 on Windows Vista. ...
>> --- NoOp wrote:
>>> Works fine for me (linux OOo 2.4.1), both exporting as a pdf and
>>> printing to a cupsys pdf printer. Can you try doing the same (exporting
>>> to a pdf) and see what the document looks like that way?
>>   Ooo 2.4.1 on Vista exports my documents to pdf perfectly and Adobe
>>   Reader prints them perfectly.
>>   I'm happy with the results, but not satisfied, as it increases my work.
> Pedro, I've also tried your 2nd document (please let's keep this in the
> same thread) and it prints with no problems as well. I've used (linux):
> OOo (Ubuntu) 2.3.0)
> OOo 2.3.1
> OOo 2.4.1
> OOo 3.0 Beta (M17)
> The fact that it prints to a PDF for you, but not to your printer
> indicates to me that the issue is probably with your printer settings.
> Perhaps the fact that the item is an Calc object within a frame makes
> the difference.
> When you copied the table and then pasted into the document the table
> got pasted into a frame. You can verify this by double-clicking the
> frame, or right-clicking the frame and select 'Edit'. Try this instead:
> o select & copy the cells that you want
> o in writer; Edit|Paste Special|Unformated text
> That will paste the text of the cells into the document without pasting
> as a Calc object. Try printing to your HP.  If that works, then it is
> definately a printer setting issue - either within your driver or
> Writer. In Writer:
> o Tools|Options|OO.o Writer|Print|Contents - check to see that the
> following are enabled: Graphics, Tables, Drawings, Controls, Background.
> Do not enable 'Print black'.
> o In Tools|Options|OO.o Writer|Compatibility - uncheck 'Use printer
> metirics...' if it is checked.
> That's about all that I can think of for now.

Could the problem be related to issue 26239?





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