sandylemberg wrote:
> 1. If I open a document with Open Office Writer just to look at it and
> make no changes, Open Office will not allow me to close the document.
> Open Office insists that I have changed the document and refuses to close
> it unless I answer the dialogue box which says
> "The document "(name of document)" has been modified."

I had the same problem with MS Word once, it was updating a Field
every time I opened the document and then prompted me to Save or
Discard when I closed it.

> This episode indicates to me that Open Office Writer is altogether
> unacceptable as an alternative to Word.

No word processor is ever going to be able to convert a Word document
perfectly, Microsoft seem to have deliberately made this as hard as
possible. If 100% compatibility with Word is your overriding priority,
then you are locked in to your vendor. You might be able to wean
yourself off Microsoft if you use an open replacement for new document
creation and keep MS Office around for compatibility with legacy

I agree, however, that the installer isn't that great, that tick list
of disk drives always confuses me.

Phil Hibbs.
Don't you just hate self-referential sigs?

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