jonathon wrote:
On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 12:33 PM, Ganesha Bhaskara wrote:

Does this put MSFT is a stronger position to enforce its office file format 
related patents ?
... locate the prior art that Microsoft "forgot" to
mention, when they obtained the  patent.
... the USPTO, as usual, failed to adhere
to the law, and issued a patent that was both obvious, and based upon
prior art, showing the court several such examples that were
published, prior to Microsoft filing their patent.
That means someone has to call the bluff .... but who has the staying power and money coffers? You may be proven right in court, but to get your rights is another matter. So much for justice; a pipe-dream! So, the only way to go against patents is to produce the same results as the patented product does, but redesign the black-box that creates it completely; like the clever idea of the Linux kernel and OSS. Time will tell, but any customer lock in has always produced competition and the eventual demise of the product that locks in the customer, like IBM's AS/400. Who still buys IBM AS/400? I just migrated an AS/400 DB2 Application to a LAMP Web 2.0 based system; the costs are minuscule compared to IBM costs used to be. Even the switching costs are far less than buying an IBM system that tries to emulate web 2.0., like WebSphere and Notes.


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