This last couple of months, I've found to my surprise that I've been able to
open docx files sent to me as email attachments directly in OOo 2.4.1 by
simply clicking on the attachment and opening it in Writer (my default
setting). My understanding had previously been that OOo 2.4.1 couldn't open
these files, and indeed, if I modify such documents and then try to save
them, a docx-format alternative is not available. (I have the ubuntuised
version of OOo 2.4.1 - 1:2.4.1-1ubuntu2 - installed on 64-bit Ubuntu Hardy,
in addition to, in a separate folder, the earlier version of OOo 3 beta -
3.0.0-18.) Happy at this unexpected windfall, I didn't want to examine the
horse's teeth too closely, so I haven't inquired on this matter on the
forum. It would seem, however, that in good Newtonian style, to every
(positive) action there is a (negative) reaction ; I now find that my old
problem with typing in Unicode glyphs using «Ctrl+Shift+u» has returned -
the other day, when attempting to type the «approximately equals» sign « ͌»
into a formula in Writer, the technique (enter «Ctrl+Shift+u»,then the
hexcode «034c», then «space») no longer worked, which it had a couple of
months earlier. This seems to be a problem specific to OOo (I've also tried
it on the 3 beta, with the same lack of success), as I have no difficulty
using this technique in, e g, a text pad or in Gmail.  Any ideas as to
what's going on ?...


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