Hi Jf, 

There is one hack you can do.. wich would allow you do to a enumquery..
but, it??s not nice..

in failure_route, call a regular route. and in the reuglar route do a
enum_query. It works I think (not tried it) but it??s not nice.

this way, you will "skip" the extra record_rotue etc..
- Atle

* JF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070712 12:09]:
> So, if I want to perform some less simple (e.g. enum_query) processing
> on failed requests, I should loop the request through SER again and do
> it in request route?
> Not a very nice way to solve it. One more Record-Route, bigger
> message... parsing the whole thing again.
> Andrei, what exactly is the problem regarding long processing in
> failure route, and what could be done to fix it?
> Thanks,
> JF
> On 7/11/07, Jiri Kuthan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > At 21:22 11/07/2007, Martin Hoffmann wrote:
> > >Jiri Kuthan wrote:
> > >> At 16:41 11/07/2007, JF wrote:
> > >> >
> > >> >Is there any particular reason why enum_query cannot be called from
> > >>
> > >> Not sure. I think it is possible to turn it on but possibly ENUM's 
> > >> processing
> > >> latency may conflict with the failure_route located in the middle of
> > >> transaction
> > >> processing and lead to some blocknig conditions, current TM
> > >> maintainer, Andrei, will
> > >> certainly know better.
> > >
> > >In short: There may be dragons there.
> > >
> > >Anyways, I am not sure what you want to do, but you can usually skip the
> > >problem by fixing the Request-URI and sprialing the call to yourself.
> > >
> > >For instance, if call forwarding is what you're after, instead of
> > >re-setting the target and just running processing again, you can just
> > >stuff the URI you want to forward to in the Request-URI and call
> > >t_relay() (don't forget the append_branch() if in a failure_route).
> > >
> > >As a rule, keep failure and onreply routes simple. Actually, as a rule,
> > >keep your config simple (Though simple does not necessarly mean short).
> >
> > Indeed: KISS applies to ser.cfg very well.
> >
> > -jiri
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Jiri Kuthan            http://iptel.org/~jiri/
> >
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