It has nothing to do with mysql, you have another application listening on the interface and port openser tries to bind. Check if the openser is already running or maybe you have some sip client on the same host. * Address a** Address already in use**lready in use*


On 07/12/07 15:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

we are facing following problem while using SER with mysql data base. The problem statements are as follows:

0(0) find_mod_export: found <db_update> in module mysql [/export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so]
* 0(0) get_connection(): Connection not found in the pool*
 0(0) release_connection(): Removing connection from the pool
* 0(0) get_connection(): Connection not found in the pool*
 0(0) release_connection(): Removing connection from the pool
0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/maxfwd.so mf_process_maxfwd_header
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_send_reply
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_send_reply
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/rr.so record_route
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/rr.so loose_route
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/tm.so t_relay
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so lookup
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so lookup
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_send_reply
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/tm.so t_relay
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_reply_error
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_send_reply
0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/auth_db.so www_authorize
* 0(0) get_connection(): Connection not found in the pool*
 0(0) release_connection(): Removing connection from the pool
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/auth.so www_challenge
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/uri_db.so check_to
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_send_reply
0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/auth.so consume_credentials
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so save
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_reply_error
0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/auth_db.so proxy_authorize
* 0(0) get_connection(): Connection not found in the pool*
 0(0) release_connection(): Removing connection from the pool
0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/auth.so proxy_challenge 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/auth.so consume_credentials
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so lookup
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so lookup
 0(0) fixing /export/home/mins/SER/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_send_reply
 0(0) INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is initially 65536
 0(0) DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 131072
 0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=131072,verify=131072
 0(0) DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 262144
 0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=262144,verify=262144
 0(0) INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is finally 262144
0(0)* ERROR: tcp_init: bind(5, e83bc, 16) on Address already in use*
 0(0) DEBUG: tm_shutdown : start
 0(0) DEBUG: unlink_timer_lists : emptying DELETE list
 0(0) DEBUG: tm_shutdown : emptying hash table
 0(0) DEBUG: tm_shutdown : releasing timers
 0(0) DEBUG: tm_shutdown : removing semaphores
 0(0) DEBUG: tm_shutdown : destroying tmcb lists
 0(0) DEBUG: tm_shutdown : done
 0(20185) shm_mem_destroy
 0(20185) destroying the shared memory lock

The ser.cfg file used is attached with the mail.

Plz sugest me some solution for mentioned problem...

thanx 'n' regds,

Parminder Nayyar

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