I am trying that but it seems like that when an IP is filtered it doesn't even go to failure route.

This is what i have in my config:

In route[4] I have:

t_on_reply("4"); # grab replies so we can log reply code/status
    t_on_failure("4");          # if gateway unavail go to 4
    if (!next_gw()) {
        sl_send_reply("503", "Service not available - No gateways");
   if (!t_relay()) {
xlog("L_INFO","$ci: leave route[4]: - M=$rm RURI=$ru F=$fu T=$tu IP=$si\n");
} # end of route[4]

failure_route[4] {
xlog("L_INFO","$ci: failure_route[4] - M=$rm RURI=$ru F=$fu T= $tu IP=$si\n"); if (t_check_status("(5..)|(6..)|(403)|(408)|(473)|(480)")) { # gateway failure/refusal xlog("L_INFO","$ci: failure_route[4] gateway failure/refusal \n");
        if (!next_gw()) {
            xlog("L_CRIT","$ci: No more gateways for <$tu>\n");
            t_reply("503", "Service not available - No more gateways");
        } else {
xlog("L_INFO","$ci: failure_route[4] next gw r-uri <$ru> \n");
            t_relay();  # send it off to try next gw.
    xlog("L_INFO","$ci: failure_route[4]: relaying normal error\n");

First time around calls do make it to failure route, however, when an IP is blacklisted, it never makes it to to the failure route.

Debug=9 openser.log snippet:

First time around:

DEBUG: timer routine:0,tl=0xb6023120 next=(nil), timeout=53
Jul 31 11:36:50 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22814]: DEBUG: final_response_handler:stop retr. and send CANCEL (0xb6022fb8) Jul 31 11:36:50 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22814]: DEBUG:tm:t_should_relay_response: T_code=100, new_code=408 Jul 31 11:36:50 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22814]: DEBUG:tm:t_pick_branch: picked branch 0, code 408 Jul 31 11:36:50 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22814]: DEBUG:tm:t_should_relay_response: dns-failover test: branch=0, last_recv=408, flags=1 Jul 31 11:36:50 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22814]: DEBUG:tm:t_should_relay_response: trying DNS-based failover Jul 31 11:36:50 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22814]: DBG:add_list_to_head: adding to bl dns 0xb6025718,0xb6025718 Jul 31 11:36:50 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22814]: ZDZiZjJhOTAzYTY3ZTQ4ZTA0ZjhkZGUyMTE5MTUyMzc.: failure_route[4] - M=INVITE RURI=sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5060;transport=udp F=sip: [EMAIL PROTECTED] T=sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED] IP= Jul 31 11:36:50 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22814]: DEBUG:t_check_status: checked status is <408> Jul 31 11:36:50 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22814]: ZDZiZjJhOTAzYTY3ZTQ4ZTA0ZjhkZGUyMTE5MTUyMzc.: failure_route[4] gateway failure/refusal Jul 31 11:36:50 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22814]: ******* setting for branch 0 flags 0

After ip is blacklisted:

openserctl fifo list_blacklists
List:: dns owner=17 flags=6
        Rule::  flags=0
                Proto:: 1
                Port:: 5060
                Expire:: 293
        Rule::  flags=0
                Proto:: 1
                Port:: 5060
                Expire:: 293


Jul 31 11:24:36 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22609]: DEBUG:lcr:load_gws: add matched_gws[0]=[4,8] Jul 31 11:24:36 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22609]: DEBUG:lcr:load_gws: add matched_gws[1]=[5,10] Jul 31 11:24:36 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22609]: DEBUG:lcr:load_gws: add matched_gws[2]=[6,5] Jul 31 11:24:36 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22609]: DEBUG:lcr:load_gws: add matched_gws[3]=[7,1] Jul 31 11:24:36 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22609]: DEBUG:lcr:load_gws: add matched_gws[4]=[28,13] Jul 31 11:24:36 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22609]: load_gws(): DEBUG: Added gw_uri_avp <sip:|[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5060;transport=udp> Jul 31 11:24:36 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22609]: load_gws(): DEBUG: Added gw_uri_avp <sip:|[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5060;transport=udp> Jul 31 11:24:36 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22609]: load_gws(): DEBUG: Added gw_uri_avp <sip:|[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5060;transport=udp> Jul 31 11:24:36 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22609]: load_gws(): DEBUG: Added gw_uri_avp <sip:|[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5060;transport=udp> Jul 31 11:24:36 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22609]: load_gws(): DEBUG: Added gw_uri_avp <sip:|[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5060;transport=udp>

: DEBUG: noisy_timer set for accounting
Jul 31 11:25:41 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22604]: parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff Jul 31 11:25:41 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22604]: check_via_address (,, 0) Jul 31 11:25:41 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22604]: WARNING:vqm_resize: resize(0) called Jul 31 11:25:41 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22604]: DEBUG:tm:_reply_light: reply sent out. buf=0x81a07c8: SIP/2.0 1..., shmem=0xb60c2fe0: SIP/2.0 1 Jul 31 11:25:41 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22604]: DEBUG:tm:_reply_light: finished Jul 31 11:25:41 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22604]: DEBUG: mk_proxy: doing DNS lookup... Jul 31 11:25:41 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22604]: check_via_address (,, 0) Jul 31 11:25:41 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22604]: DBG:check_against_rule_list: using list dns Jul 31 11:25:41 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22604]: DBG:check_against_rule_list: matched list dns Jul 31 11:25:41 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22604]: DEBUG:tm:t_forward_nonack: blocked by blacklists Jul 31 11:25:41 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22604]: ERROR:tm:t_relay_to: t_forward_nonack returned error Jul 31 11:25:41 mousse /usr/sbin/openser[22604]: parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff

On Jul 31, 2007, at 10:14 AM, Henning Westerholt wrote:

On Tuesday 31 July 2007, you wrote:
    Can someone please comment on how to capture and act on this 473
filtered from within OpenSER config, i.e., ability to failover to
next gateway returned by the LCR.  I have tried to capture that with
no success.


have tried to call next_gw() in the failure route?




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