
indeed there seems to be an issue with interpreting the strings in config file, before getting to avpops function parameters. When the config file is parsed, inside the string, \[0-7]{2,3} is interpreted as a ASCII code in octal base and replaced with its code. Try:

avp_subst("$avp(s:fromuri)","/^(sip:)([EMAIL PROTECTED])/\\\x01121285\2/");

However, in 1.2 you can achieve same by:

$avp(s:fromuri) ="sip:121285"+$(avp(s:fromuri){uri.user}) + "@" + $(avp(s:fromuri){uri.domain});


On 08/01/07 19:06, Zahid Mehmood wrote:
I am trying to rewrite a 5 digit number to a 11 digit number by adding a prefix "121285". To achieve that I use the following:

avp_subst("$avp(s:fromuri)","/^(sip:)([EMAIL PROTECTED])/\1+121285\2/");

in openser.log   new fromuri = sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

It works fine because of the "+" after \1

This avp_subst does not work properly if the "+" is taken out. How can I use "\1" followed by another digit?

avp_subst("$avp(s:fromuri)","/^(sip:)([EMAIL PROTECTED])/\1121285\2/");

in openser.log:  new fromuri = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What am i doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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