
seems that the user aditya is not online. Could you please attache the ngrep trace?

ngrep -d any -qt port 5060

on the sip-xmpp gateway.


On 08/31/07 08:43, Aditya Chaturvedi wrote:
I have openser and jabberd running on the same server. After doing configurations described in documentation of XMPP module ( http://www.openser.org/docs/modules/1.2.x/xmpp.html <http://www.openser.org/docs/modules/1.2.x/xmpp.html>) I am able to send message from SIP client to XMPP client but not able to send it backwards

address of XMPP client : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
address of SIP client : [EMAIL PROTECTED] _domain

I have seen in log and it seems that message is coming to xmpp module(when sending from xmpp client) but it is unable to send to SIP client. Please have a look at attached log and please help :

LOG dump
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17071]: xmpp: server read [<message xmlns='jabber:client' type='chat' xml:lang='en' id='sd10' to='aditya* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' from='[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Pandion'><body>3333333333333333333333333333333</body><html xmlns=' http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im' <http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im%27>><body xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' <http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml%27>><span style='font-weight: normal; font-size: 9pt; color: #004200; font-style: normal; font-family: arial'>3333333333333333333333333333333</span></body></html><x xmlns='jisp:x:jep-0038'><name>shinyicons</name></x><active xmlns=' http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates'/ <http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates%27/>></message>] Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17071]: xmpp: stream callback: 1: message Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17071]: DEBUG:tm:t_uac: next_hop=< sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17071]: DEBUG: mk_proxy: doing DNS lookup... Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17071]: DEBUG:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil)
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17071]: DEBUG: dlg2hash: 35729
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17071]: print_request_uri: sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17071]: DEBUG:tm:set_timer: relative timeout is 500000 Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17071]: DEBUG: add_to_tail_of_timer[4]: 0xb612897c (66815700000) Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17071]: DEBUG:tm:set_timer: relative timeout is 30 Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17071]: DEBUG: add_to_tail_of_timer[0]: 0xb6128998 (66845)
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: SIP Request:
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]:  method:  <MESSAGE>
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: uri: <sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]:  version: <SIP/2.0>
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: parse_headers: flags=2
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: Found param type 232, <branch> = <z9hG4bK19b8.405ac901.0>; state=16 Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: end of header reached, state=5 Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: parse_headers: Via found, flags=2 Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: parse_headers: this is the first via
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: After parse_msg...
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: preparing to run routing scripts...
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: parse_headers: flags=100
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG:parse_to:end of header reached, state=9 Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DBUG:parse_to: display={}, ruri={sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>} Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG: get_hdr_field: <To> [25]; uri=[ sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>] Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG: to body [sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>^M ] Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: get_hdr_field: cseq <CSeq>: <10> <MESSAGE> Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG: get_hdr_body : content_length=31
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: found end of header
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG: is_maxfwd_present: max_forwards header not found! Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG: add_param: tag=d536f7aa2bf73a9942d6233ad6d8ee06-0364 Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG:parse_to:end of header reached, state=29 Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DBUG:parse_to: display={}, ruri={sip:nitin* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>}
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: parse_headers: flags=200
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: find_first_route: No Route headers found Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: loose_route: There is no Route HF Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: grep_sock_info - checking if host==us: 12==12 && [ <>] == [ <>] Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: grep_sock_info - checking if port 5060 matches port 5060 Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: grep_sock_info - checking if host==us: 12==12 && [ <>] == [ <>] Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: grep_sock_info - checking if port 5060 matches port 5060 Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG:avpops:check_avp: check < <>> against <sipxmpp.catch22> as str /1 Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG:avpops:check_avp: no match Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: lookup(): 'aditya' Not found in usrloc Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: grep_sock_info - checking if host==us: 12==12 && [ <>] == [ <>] Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: grep_sock_info - checking if port 5060 matches port 5060 Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG: t_newtran: T on entrance=0xffffffff Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: parse_headers: flags=ffffffffffffffff
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: parse_headers: flags=78
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: t_lookup_request: start searching: hash=35729, isACK=0 Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG: RFC3261 transaction matching failed Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG: t_lookup_request: no transaction found Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG: mk_proxy: doing DNS lookup... Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: check_via_address( <>, <>, 0) Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DBG:check_against_rule_list: using list dns Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG:tm:set_timer: relative timeout is 500000 Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG: add_to_tail_of_timer[4]: 0xb613508c (66815700000) Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG:tm:set_timer: relative timeout is 30 Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG: add_to_tail_of_timer[0]: 0xb61350a8 (66845) Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG:tm:t_relay_to: new transaction fwd'ed Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG:tm:UNREF_UNSAFE: after is 0 Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: DEBUG:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil)
Aug 31 10:47:26 catch22 /usr/sbin/openser[17056]: receive_msg: cleaning up

Thanks in advance


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