El Thursday 20 September 2007 13:57:18 Juha Heinanen escribió:
> Iñaki Baz Castillo writes:
>  > Yes, but there are problems too if a registered user has killed him
>  > softphone
>  > or PC without letting it sending the un-REGISTER. In that cases other
>  > user calling to him receive an infinite "Trying", while with my
>  > suggestion of un-register, callers would see "not found".
> then you need to improve your script.  set invite timer for no
> (provisional) response to a short value.  then in failure route do
> whatever the user wants, for example, return "480 temporarily
> unavailable" or redirect the caller somewhere else.

Yes, thanks. 

But I can see a user as "online", but it can be not reachable since him 
softphone crashed. Using "pua_usrloc" a un-REGISTER would publish "offline" 
state, but for that it's required a nu-REGISTER.

Iñaki Baz Castillo

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