I totally agree that the change should be complete :)... Also Daniel made a point for trying to organize more than the module names..

Anyhow, this can not be done before the SVN freeze and not sure if suitable for testing period (any opinions?) so maybe we have to postpone it for after the release.


Henning Westerholt wrote:
On Thursday 04 October 2007, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:

during the reviewing process of the new DB module for Berkeley, I made
proposal to make a naming convention for all the modules implementing
the DB API.

I suggest something similar as for the modules implementing the MI
interface, all having the "mi_" prefix. So, for the DB modules we should
use "db_" prefix:
    mysql -> db_mysql
    postgres -> db_postgres
    dbtext -> db_text
    unixodbc -> db_unixodbc
    flatstore -> db_flatstore

Does anybody see any drawback or problem if we rename the module before

This change is resonable for me _if_ it will be thoroughly carried out. That means in addition to the renaming of the directories its also necessary to

- update the existing module documentation (README files, devel index.html)
- fix the build process and the packaging
- update openser install documentation (INSTALL, wiki pages)
- add a note to the porting guide for 1.3



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