
I have a problem passing AVPs to stored procedures (or in other SQL contexts) that require an integer argument. It is not a show-stopper,
it just throws a warning:

    0(6535) PG[get_columns]: Unhandled data type column
   (my_stored_proc) OID (869), defaulting to STRING

This results from something like:

    avp_db_query("SELECT my_stored_proc($avp(S:my_avp))");

Now, $avp(S:my_avp) is a numerical value, so it does end up working.
However, because AVPs are not natively "typed" as numerical or string
values in a way that is represented at the Postgres layer of the avpops
implementation, evidently, this situation arises.

Is there any way to fix this?  I have tried using CAST() in the SQL
statement, but that did not appear to help.


Alex Balashov
Evariste Systems
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