Hi Bogdan,
a very dirty workaround could be disabling the memory cache of usrloc module (db_mode = 3) and implement a MySQL trigger to verify if the user is 'allowed' to register more than 1 client. If the user is not allowed the trigger can block the insert or remove the second registration.

Do you think it's gonna work ? Apart from the performance impact...

A clean solution would be implement a 'max_contacts' parameter on a per-user basis that can be looked up in the underlying authenticaion module.

Another useful feature would be adding a registrar parameter to be used in conjunction with max_contacts to define if an 'extra' registration should be allowed (deleting one of the existing, ordered by Q value or by time if desc_time_order is set) or rejected (as now)

What do you think about it ?

Tnx in advance


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu ha scritto:
Hi Edoardo,

AFAIK it is not possible to decide this at runtime, per user - it is a global option.


Edoardo Serra wrote:
Tnx, I'd like to allow it only for certain users.

I see in 1.3 roadmap that it will be possibile to store some extra flags for users that would be optimal for my solution, but do you have an idea on how to do it in openser 1.2 ?

Tnx in advance


Marcello Lupo ha scritto:
i think it can be possible making some scripting or avp usage in some way. I think it depend most on what event you want to decide if append branches or not. It may be user based or something else. Before you have to decide on what to take the decision and after you can start thinking a way to do it.
Bye,o Bogdan

Edoardo Serra wrote:
Tnx Marcello,
sorry for the stupid question, I thought it would have been necessary to also modify the routing script.

Is there a way to decide at runtime to append branches or not ?

Tnx in advance


Marcello Lupo ha scritto:
try to check to modparam("registrar", "append_branches", 0) .
It is at 1 by default, but if you keep it to 0 it relay only to one contact.
Hope to help.

Edoardo Serra wrote:
Hi all,
    I have OpenSER (1.2.2) acting as registrar server.

If the same user hase more than one AOR I'd like to do parallel forking and send the INVITE to every contact I have for that user.

At the moment my configuration file looks like:

if (!lookup("location")) {
        sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found");

if (!t_relay()) {

but it rely only to the AOR with the highest q value

It should be a common situation but I cannot find any doc about it.

Tnx in advance


Edoardo Serra

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