Hi, I created a new VE today, and was configuring it and all was going well
until I restarted it and I am now unable to either enter it with:

vzctl enter 107 

Or ssh into the VE.

When I try to enter the VE I get this error.

Enter into VE 107 failed
Unable to open pty: No such file or directory

When I try to ssh into the VE I get this error:

ssh:  connect to host academic.umfk.maine.edu port 22: Connection refused

I found the bug in bugzilla with someone with a similar issue with Ubuntu.

I am running CentOS with all the VE¹s also CentOS. All completely updated
with the latest kernels, etc...

In Bugzilla it says the issue has to do with showconsole, but I searched the
/etc/ directory for showconsole and did not find any init scripts with a
reference to showconsole.

Everything else on the VE seems to be running just fine, but I need to get
access to it.

I also tried: vzctl set 107 ‹devices c:5:2:rw ‹save

And this did not allow me to access it.

The problem seemed to arise after I configured winbind and smb to start on
boot. I tried disabling them on boot but I still can¹t log in.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem.



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