I still have not solved this issue.
You change something on /dev/tty[0-9] in a VE?
I guess they are not same as usual ones.


I can not open /dev/tty0.
"DEVICES="c:4:all:rw" does not help.

/dev/tty works, but /dev/tty0 does not.
This is feature? or possible to solve this?
It is Okay to run Apache/Sendmail,
but a bit inconvienient for debugging or development or such purposes.

OpenVZ version: 2.6.18-028stab033

                 --- Okajima, Jun. Tokyo, Japan.

[ If you dont add "DEVICES=c:4:all:rw" line to vps.conf ]
# cat /dev/tty0
cat: /dev/tty0: Permission denied
[ If you add "DEVICES=" to vps.conf ]
# cat /dev/tty0
cat: /dev/tty0: No such device
( anyway, you can not access /dev/tty0. Why? This is inevitable feature? )
# ls -la /dev/tty0
crw------- 1 root tty 4, 0 May  6 11:39 /dev/tty0
# uname -r

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