Steve Hodges wrote:
> On 27/08/2007 9:16 AM, Gregor Mosheh wrote:
>> Steve Hodges wrote:
>>> E297: Write error in swap file
>>> E303: Unable to open swap file for "rc.local", recovery impossible
>>> "rc.local" 17 lines, 387 characters
>> That's vi saying that it can't save a backup of the file (yeah, "swap
>> file" really intuitive) That's probably just a permissions issue. Are
>> you able to manually create and then delete a fake swap file named
>> .rc.local.swp ?
> It turned out to be a disk quota issue.
> GOOD: the VE didn't chew up all the available disk space (as it would
> have in a couple of hours)
> BAD: the violation of the disk quota doesn't show up in user_beancounters
It shows in df (or df -i) -- standard UNIX/Linux tool; it is all
described in (which I guess I
should add to "must read" category.

See, ff there is a standard way of seeing something, why invent
something new and unique? For disk space there is such a tool, for
beancounters there was no, since beancounters only appeared in OpenVZ.

>From the host system though there is a way to see all per-VE disk quotas
and their usage -- cat /proc/vz/vzquota
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