
I am trying to set up some web server instances in OpenVZ VEs that
would be load balanced using the Linux Virtual Server (LVS) tools,
such as ipvsadm and hearbeat.

I have found a few HOWTOs for setting things up, but none that talks
about the specifics of OpenVZ. Has anyone done that? If not, I would
be willing to contribute what I have learned to the Wiki for the
benefit of others, but first I need help figuring a few things out.

At first I tried setting up the LVS tools with keepalived. I was
unsuccessful at that. I now am trying to set it up with heartbeat. I
think I just came accross the reason why my keepalived attempt didn't

With both keepalived and heartbeat, you're supposed to set the load
balanced machine's default route to the load balancer's IP address,
because it rewrites the packets as they come in, in order to
distribute the load between different machines (or "real servers" in
LVS parlance)

Am I correct to assume that I would need to use VETH devices, instead
of venet? Is
what I should follow?

Any other information would be welcome.

Thanks in advance,

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