ok, Thanks a lot! I've added this info to the bug.


Dariush Pietrzak wrote:
>>I guess that what causes it, is having in guest more processes with runnable
>>state then reduced virtual cpus available.
>  Faster/simpler way:
>  - go to guest, run 8x dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null
>  - load should fairly quickly start creeping up to 8.0
>  - on HN set cpus to 1
>  - let it run, then stop all the dd's
>  result:
> Guest:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/40p-ovz/work$ w
>  16:13:44 up  5:21,  1 user,  load average: 2.99, 2.94, 2.20
> (and stays like this, 15-minute average even grows)
> HN:
> codev64:~# w
>  16:14:05 up  5:25,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 1.76, 2.65
> Playing with dd and set --cpus I also managed to cause load ~8 on HN while
> guest reported only 2.0
> .. I guess noone is doing things like this on production systems, and even
> if so, running chkpnt/restore as precaution when performing such changes 
> is not out of the question.

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