Hello Jakob,

please read the OpenVZ User Guide, at page 88 "OpenVZ Action Scripts".


Am Mi, 9.01.2008, 11:55, schrieb Jakob Goldbach:
> Hi,
> I've seached the docs in vain on executing scripts on start or stop of
> the VE.
> I'm doing a bind mount on the HN to the mounted VE
> ($VZROOT/root/101/mnt/..)  as descriped in
> http://wiki.openvz.org/Mounting_filesystems.
> I want to automate this during start and stop of the VE.
> Ideally the start script should run after the VPS is mounted but before
> it is started. Likewise during stop - an umount after the VPS has
> stopped but before it is umounted.
> Is this possible ?
> /Jakob
> # vzctl start 222
> Starting VPS ...
> VPS is mounted
> --> start hook here <---
> Adding IP address(es):
> Setting CPU units: 1000
> Set hostname: test1
> VPS start in progress...
> # vzctl stop 222
> Stopping VPS ...
> VPS was stopped
> --> stop hook here <--
> VPS is unmounted
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