Chris Turan wrote:
> This is an updated version of my previous diff.  I missed documenting
> a step in the first version.  This caused an error in the build process.
> A binary and the diff are provided at:
[ snip ]
> I'd very much be interested in seeing this become an official
> metadata template on  I'd like to get centos-5 out of the
> user contrib area.


FYI your patch worked great for me on x86_64.

After following your instructions, I used the instructions at the link
below to get vzpkgcache working for Centos5 x86_64 (I'm assuming they
are still required for x86_64):


I had to make one additional change (replacing vzrpm44 shared library
below) not documented on this page because I was getting a "wrong ELF
class: ELFCLASS32" error:
cp /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/rpm/

I had already removed a related vzrpm43 library as per the
instructions mentioned above:
rm /usr/share/vzpkgtools/vzrpm43/lib/python2.4/site-packages/

thanks for the patch to get me started!

Bill Comisky
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