
for official IPv6 i'm useing sixxs as tunnelbroker,
these steps i've done connect a Debian OpenVZ system
to a IPv6 Network for the VE with a venet0 interface:

1) Setup an IPv6 Tunnel (-> https://noc.sixxs.net/ )

Relevant IPv6 settings in "/etc/network/interfaces"
# device: sixxs ipv6 tunnel with static IPv6
auto sixxs
iface sixxs inet6 v4tunnel
    address <your_assigned_IPv6_ADDRESS>
    netmask 64
    endpoint <IPv4_ADDRESS_of_tunnelbroker>
    ttl 64
    up ip link set mtu 1280 dev sixxs
    up ip route add default via <IPv6_ADDRESS_of_tunnelbroker> dev sixxs

VE_0$ ifup sixxs

2) Setup OpenVZ with IPv6 :

# enable IPv6 forwarding for all Interfaces
VE_0$ sysctl -q -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1

# enable IPv6 in /etc/vz/vz.conf -> IPV6="yes"
# and restart OpenVZ Subsystem, so venet has a IPv6 Address
VE_0$ /etc/init.d/vz restart

# give a VE an IPv6 address, you need a IPv6 subnet (
https://noc.sixxs.net/ )
VE_0$ vzctl set <VEID> --ipadd <IPv6_ADDRESS> [--yes]

3) Test it
If you connected to an official IPv6 network, you can test it, by pinging
debian.systs.org ( 2001:6f8:109a::1a01 ) or visit IPv6 sites like
http://www.kame.net and see the dancing turtle ;-)

Thorsten Schifferdecker


Am Do, 24.01.2008, 18:29, schrieb Benoit Branciard:
> Temporarily giving up messing with veth devices (forgot dhcpd server for
> now), I concentrated on setting up a basic VS with both IPv4 and IPv6
> addresses, using standard venet device.
> I'm using Debian Etch hardware node with debian.systs.org packages.
> So I did:
> - install packages and reboot as necessary :
> fzakernel-2.6.18-686 vzctl vzctl-ostmpl-debian vzdump vzprocps vzquota
> - ensure /etc/sysctl.conf contains :
> net.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding = 1
> net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
> kernel.sysrq = 1
> net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects = 1
> net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0
> - ensure /etc/vz/vz.conf contains:
> IPV6="yes"
> - create VS :
> vzctl create 112 --ipadd XXX.YYY.ZZZ.12 --ipadd xxx:yyy:zzzz::12
> --hostname brahma-vps112
> (default template is debian-4.0-i386-minimal, hardware node has only one
> physical interface activated, on the same subnet as VS)
> - start VS :
> vzctl start 112
> Result:
> - IPv4 VS works as expected (ping succeeds from hardware node, external
> server in same subnet, external server on another subnet).
> - IPv6 VS doesn't work !!! (ping6 works *only* between VS and hardware
> node, not from external sources; VS has IPv6 address correctly defined,
> as per ifconfig).
> Am I missing something ?
> I suspected it may be useful to set sysctl
> net.ipv6.conf.<iface>.forwarding to 1, but :
> - this turns the box in "router" mode, disabling RA acceptance from
> default router (annoying)
> - this doesn't work either !!

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