On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 07:07:31PM +0300, Kir Kolyshkin wrote:
> (1) The "/dev/mem: Permission denied" message comes from 
> /usr/sbin/laptop-detect script which is being executed a few times 
> during packages installation. Well, in fact the message comes from 
> dmidecode which laptop-detect calls...
> If you want the message to disappear, do this (as root):
> rm /usr/sbin/laptop-detect
> ln -s /bin/false /usr/sbin/laptop-detect

I'd say they should just remove the laptop-detect and dmidecode packages,
because they can serve no particular practical purpose inside a VE anyway...?

(Doing the above without dpkg-divert will last only until the next package
upgrade, in any case.)

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