Alastair Neil <> writes:

> Are there any guidelines on setting up a server that is multihomed? � I
> want to have VPS on different networks.� The two networks are partitioned
> by a firewall and the fact that ip_forward is turned on is I believe
> causing issues.� Doubtless there is some deep routing foo that can be
> applied - I'd appreciate any pointers.

The really easy way is to use a VLAN per VPS and simply add the VLAN
device to the VPS. Then all routing is done in the VPS, and the host
doesn't need to worry. The downside is that each physical server can
only have one VPS in each VLAN. The upside is performance. I know it
works since I've done it.

The almost as easy way is to bridge the VPS's into whichever VLAN you
prefer. The bridging costs a little bit of performance and it's a little
bit more complicated to set up. I haven't actually tried this yet.

The complicated way is to keep routing in the physical server, like you
are doing now. You need to add policy routing, so the VPS's each get
their packets routed appropriately. I have done it, but it isn't my kind
of fun.


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