What template are you using and where did you get it from?

I recently had a similar result from an Archlinux template, however I would
need to know more about the container to be able to relate it to my case.

Can you vzctl enter it?

-----Original Message-----
From: users-boun...@openvz.org [mailto:users-boun...@openvz.org] On Behalf
Of Gregor at HostGIS
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 3:53 PM
To: OpenVZ Maling List
Subject: [Users] Cannot stop or restart container

Hey guys. I reported a bug some months ago, not being able to stop and 
restart a container, getting a timeout instead. When I reported the bug 
months ago, I was unable to replicate it at the time. But here it is 
once again: I cannot stop or restart the VE.

This clip shows the results which I see:

# vzctl restart Customer
Restarting container
Stopping container ...
Unable to stop container: operation timed out

# vzlist Customer
   84          3 running -               Customer

The 3 processes, I don't know what they are but they may be related to 
this, and may be a clue: After the initial vzctl restart, it got down to 
1 process before it timed out. I ran "vzctl exec Customer ps ax" and now 
I notice that the NPROC increments each time I do this. However from the 
HN, "ps ax | grep ps" only shows the one 'ps' which I am running, not 
the ones in the VE.

Any thoughts on how I can finally stop this thing and restart it? Note 
that this is a production HN with production VEs, so rebooting it is not 
an attractive option.

HN OS is Fedora 9
Kernel is 2.6.24.ovz009.1

HostGIS, Open Source solutions for the global GIS community
Greg Allensworth - SysAdmin, Programmer, GIS Person, Security
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