On 01/13/2014 10:08 AM, Kir Kolyshkin wrote:
On 01/13/2014 01:20 AM, Roman Haefeli wrote:
On Wed, 2014-01-08 at 23:57 -0800, Kir Kolyshkin wrote:
On 01/08/2014 08:36 AM, Roman Haefeli wrote:

When I start Debian 7 containers with the '--wait' option, it does start
the CT, but the vzctl command never returns. The same works fine with
Debian 6 containers.

I figured that 'vzctl start CTID --wait' usually adds a line to the
CT's /etc/inittab:

vz:2345:once:touch /.vzfifo

However, such a line is never added to Debian 7 CTs. On Debian 6 CTs,
this line is automatically added whenever the CT is started, even if it
has been removed manually.

A work-around is to add the line manually to /etc/inittab, but I still
wonder why the automatism doesn't work for Debian 7 CTs.

Please file a bug for vzctl, I will take a look soon.
Thanks for addressing this issue. In your notes on bugzilla

[ Just for the sake of people reading it: https://bugzilla.openvz.org/2859 ]

  you mention
that the original reason for the hangs is the missing lo interface.

Yes, this is what I found with the official Debian 7 templates (that I will fix soon).

fact, on the CT I tested lo was configured properly and up and running.

I should mention that I made the template myself according to the
instructions found here [1].

Hey, this makes it a perfect example of how to NOT file bug reports! ;-)

  When you mentioned the scripts
in /etc/init/ I found that all our flawlessly running Debian 6 CTs don't
have this folder at all. I removed it completely also in the Debian 7 CT
and from then on I was able to start it flawlessly with the --wait flag.

Good that you have mentioned it, now I see that /etc/init existence doesn't
mean we have upstart, so we have to patch /etc/inittab regardless.

Will fix vzctl accordingly soon.

Can you test this patch?


You can either build and install it yourself:

 git clone git://git.openvz.org/vzctl
 cd vzctl && ./autogen.sh && ./configure && ./setver -U

Alternatively, I just build packages for you to test:


More info on test builds are at http://openvz.org/Download/vzctl/nightly
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