In fact, this is caused by a stupid bug in ploop 1.12 (and older kernel).

To workaround, install a new kernel (042stab092.x).

Fixed in git:;a=commit;h=7e0365c0f8f

Will appear in ploop > 1.12 (most probably 1.12.1).


On 08/08/2014 12:12 AM, Corrado Fiore wrote:
Dear All,

today, during the conversion of a container to Ploop storage, I encountered 
some issues.

My host is a CentOS box (2.6.32-042stab081.3) with the latest ploop and 
ploop-lib installed (1.12-1).  When I issued the usual command `vzctl convert 
NNN`, the conversion process started but towards the end it printed:

Error in tune_fs (fsutils.c:180): Can't set reserved blocks to 668415: 
Inappropriate ioctl for device

I could start the CT and enter it.  However, df -h was showing weird values (0 
bytes available):

# df -h
Filesystem         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/ploop44599p1   52G  1.4G     0 100% /
none               512M  4.0K  512M   1% /dev
none               512M     0  512M   0% /dev/shm

In fact, applications like Nginx believed that there was no space available and 
refused to write logs for example.  But I was able to create a new file with 
the Nano editor.

I tried the following to rectify the situation, without success:

1)  `vzctl set NNN --disk MMMG --save`, with various values of MMM

2)  deleting the INODES settings from the CT conf file and restarting

3)  `tune2fs -m 5 /dev/ploop53231p1`

In the end, I decided to just create a new container on a different host 
machine and transfer all application data from the latest backup (which I did 
minutes before issuing the conversion).

Can you give me any clues about what happened?

Corrado Fiore
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