On 08/21/2014 08:33 AM, Lee Viali wrote:
Hello Kir,
I am really sorry to bother you again..

Just one question.
I want to continuously checkpoint a container.
I did the following,
1"vzctl chkpnt VEID"
2 backup the Dump.VEID file.
3"vzctl restore VEID"

However, step 3 usually takes long.
Is there any command that I can use to resume a container without restoring from a dump file?
I sent you this email,
because I have a assignment, which is extremely urgent....
and the mailing list responses really slowly...

You should always use mailing list. It's very counter-productive otherwise.

The commands you look for are:

vzctl chkpnt $VEID --suspend # this freezes container
vzctl chkpnt $VEID --dump --dumpfile /some/path/to/dump/file # this dumps the container that was previously frozen
vzctl chkpnt $VEID --resume # this un-freezes the container

So this sequence helps you to do what you want without a need to restore from a dump file,
and should be way faster

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