On 03/24/2015 12:48 AM, Pavel Snajdr wrote:
> On 03/23/2015 11:01 PM, Kir Kolyshkin wrote:
>> On 03/23/2015 03:12 AM, Benjamin Henrion wrote:
>>> On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 10:55 AM, Narcis Garcia
>>> <informat...@actiu.net> wrote:
>>>> As I read from Ubuntu/Debian package (version 0.9.1):
>>>> Docker complements kernel namespacing with a high-level API which
>>>> operates at the process level. It runs unix processes with strong
>>>> guarantees of isolation and repeatability across servers.
>>>> Docker is a great building block for automating distributed systems:
>>>> large-scale web deployments, database clusters, continuous deployment
>>>> systems, private PaaS, service-oriented architectures, etc.
>>>> This package contains the daemon and client. *Using docker.io on
>>>> non-amd64 hosts is not supported at this time*. Please be careful when
>>>> using it on anything besides amd64.
>>>> Also, note that *kernel version 3.8 or above is required* for proper
>>>> operation of the daemon process, and that any lower versions may have
>>>> subtle and/or glaring issues.
>>> Redhat backported a lot of LXC features to 2.6.32, so that's one of
>>> the reasons you can run docker/lxc on top of the openvz kernel.
>> In addition to that, we did a significant amount of kernel work
>> to allow running Docker inside our containers.
>> In general, OpenVZ kernel version (which is 2.6.32) has very little
>> to do with vanilla 2.6.32, so this number doesn't really mean anything
>> except that Red Hat kernel team branched their kernel off this
>> version when they started working on RHEL6.
>> Currently this is 2.6.32 plus tons of patches from Red Hat plus
>> a pretty big patchset from OpenVZ. In particular, we make sure all the
>> recent distros work inside containers, so sometimes we have to backport
>> some new syscall or other feature from recent kernels.
>> From time to time I see people saying OpenVZ kernel is very old and
>> obsoleted. It happens because the judge by the label, and the label starts
>> with 2.6.32. Indeed, 2.6.32 is a very old kernel, but as I explained above
>> our kernel has very little to do with 2.6.32.
> Hi Kir,
> I've been telling those people just about the same thing, but recently I
> don't think I can agree. I've become more involved in ZFS on Linux
> development and we run on RHEL6 OpenVZ kernel. The core of RHEL6 is
> getting old and there are lots and lots of improvement, that have gone
> upstream, which improve mainly performance and multi-core scalability.
> For instance and probably the most importantly for me now, I would like
> to have VFS scalability patches, that have gone into upstream, in OpenVZ
> RHEL6 kernel as well, as I'd like to see doing more granular eviction on
> dentries. (http://lwn.net/Articles/636133/)

Sorry, linked the wrong thing, I mean two separate things. Primary
objective is to have the shrinker work, which has gone to 3.12,
secondary and nice to have would be these VFS scalability patches.

> But this seems rather impossible, due to git/separated-out-patches not
> being available for RHEL6 kernel and OpenVZ project following the suit.
> I would have to invest a lot of time every time a rebase onto a newer
> RHEL6 kernel release is made.
> I would like to help out with OpenVZ development from time to time,
> especially with things related to storage, but the project doesn't seem
> all that open, you guys only publish your final results, but nothing
> from the process of getting to them.
> I don't mean to criticize or I don't mean it in any other bad way,
> here's me just sighing at how things are. Do you see any room for change
> in this regard? Or should we just leverage Parallels paid support for
> OpenVZ to have you guys pull in the patches by yourselves?
> I love open-source and doing things openly, I know that you guys don't
> have a whole lot of breathing room thanks to Red Hat here, but is there
> any possibility of opening the project up more?
> Finally, I would like to thank all of you at the OpenVZ project, there
> is no other usable container technology for Linux without you guys. I
> highly respect that fact despite the relative closedness of the project.
> /snajpa
> (vpsFree.cz)
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