
am trying to get keepalived to work within a VZ container but failing 
miserably.  At the host level within the container config I have:


all the necessary ipvs modules have been loaded at the host level:

[root@vsp02 ~]# lsmod | grep vs
ip_vs_wrr               2187  0
ip_vs_wlc               1249  0
ip_vs_sh                1957  0
ip_vs_sed               1249  0
ip_vs_rr                1428  0
ip_vs_pe_sip            2404  0
nf_conntrack_sip       19795  1 ip_vs_pe_sip
ip_vs_nq                1214  0
ip_vs_lc                1182  0
ip_vs_lblcr             5375  0
ip_vs_lblc              4003  0
ip_vs_ftp               3746  0
ip_vs_dh                1893  0
ip_vs                 125348  24 
ipv6                  322593  240 

and when I check within the container I see:

Apr 11 09:35:56 alb02 Keepalived_vrrp[396]: VRRP_Instance(VI_1) Sending 
gratuitous ARPs on eth0 for

and am able to ping that IP address from with the container.  What I cannot do 
is ping that IP from the host itself so the ARP packets cannot be making out of 
the container I presume.

has anyone got this working please ?

Thank you, Phil

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