On 13.05.2015 0:29, Kir Kolyshkin wrote:

empty directory like /.cpt_hardlink_dir_a920e4ddc233afddc9fb53d26c392319

inside each container - this is bug or feature ?

if this is bug - it will be fixed in new releases?

if this is feature - how I can use it and how I can disable it?

The answer can easily be obtained by looking into git or bugzilla or
source code, but let me save you the hassle.

Sorry, in future I will see bugzilla/sources before asking in list.

Yes, this is the correct behavior, explained in the following commit:

Ok, I see https://github.com/kolyshkin/vzctl/commit/09e974fa3ac9c4abd42194eec8441a40e63ea991

In future this workaround will be changed to complete solution,
which work in all cases and don't create extra "garbage" /.cpt_hardlink_dir_a920e4ddc233afddc9fb53d26c392319 dir
on CT startup? Current behavior is slightly annoying.

Currently the only way to disable it, I guess, is to recompile vzctl. Note
you will lose the functionality of checkpointing/suspending the container
that has no free disk space.

After hitting bug https://bugzilla.openvz.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2470
I completely disable suspending on stop for all hardware nodes,
- "VE_STOP_MODE=stop" in /etc/vz/vz.conf and don't use it at all.

P.S. Workaround of this workaround
to return expected behavior of CT without vzctl recompilation:


--- /etc/rc.d/rc.local.orig     2014-11-04 14:16:42.000000000 +0200
+++ /etc/rc.d/rc.local  2015-05-13 01:32:47.446780962 +0300
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@
 # want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.

 touch /var/lock/subsys/local
+rmdir /.cpt_hardlink_dir_a920e4ddc233afddc9fb53d26c392319


Best regards,
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