This works, but it seems like prlsrvctl net set is not working as
expected.  I was able to bypass the issue by updating the bridge
information using virsh.

In this example, I want to create a bridged virtual network, vlan20, to use
in the containers.

*** This is the bridge that is configured on the system that I would like
to use for the virtual network:

[root@cluster-02 ~]# ip -d l show vmbr20
11: vmbr20: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state
    link/ether 0c:c4:7a:6b:95:54 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff promiscuity 0
    bridge addrgenmode eui64

[root@cluster-02 ~]# ip -d a show vmbr20
11: vmbr20: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state
    link/ether 0c:c4:7a:6b:95:54 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff promiscuity 0

*** Create a new virtual network, vlan20

[root@cluster-02 ~]# prlsrvctl net add vlan20

*** A list of the virtual networks to make sure vlan20 was created; the
default Bridge interface is virbr5 for the new virtual network, vlan20

[root@cluster-02 ~]# prlsrvctl net list
Network ID        Type      Bound To       Bridge
Host-Only         host-only                virbr1
vlan30            host-only                vmbr30
vlan20            host-only                virbr5
vlan40            host-only                vmbr40

*** Attempt to change the bridge interface from virbr5 to vmbr20 for
virtual network network vlan20, but receive an error

[root@cluster-02 ~]# prlsrvctl net set vlan20 -i vmbr20
Failed to find network adapter vmbr20 on the server.

*** I start virsh to change the bridge interface from virbr5 to vmbr20 for
virtual network network vlan20

[root@cluster-02 ~]# virsh
Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.

Type:  'help' for help with commands
       'quit' to quit

*** I edit the xml for vlan20

virsh # net-edit vlan20
Network vlan20 XML configuration edited.

*** xml before modification
  <bridge name='virbr5' stp='off' delay='0'/>
  <mac address='52:54:00:e6:cc:79'/>

*** xml after modification
  <bridge name='vmbr20' stp='off' delay='0'/>
  <mac address='52:54:00:e6:cc:79'/>

*** Exit virsh
virsh # ^C

*** Now the interfaces show configured as desired per prlsrvctl

[root@cluster-02 ~]# prlsrvctl net list
Network ID        Type      Bound To       Bridge
Host-Only         host-only                virbr1
vlan30            host-only                vmbr30
vlan20            host-only                vmbr20
vlan40            host-only                vmbr40

>From here, everything seems to work the way I would like:
- I can add networks to a container using the following commands:
 # prlctl set <ctname> --netif_add eth<id>
 # prlctl set <ctname> --ifname eth<id> --network vlan<id>
- The interfaces are properly managed when containers are
- The interfaces are properly managed when the host is rebooted

Let me know if this seems like a bug and I will submit a defect.

Axton Grams

On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 3:23 PM, Axton <> wrote:

> vznetcfg seems to do what I need, but it seems vznetcfg is missing from
> beta4 (all packages) when installed on an existing OS.  Here is the doc
> page referencing this utility:
> I have this script on the machine, but it is not the script referenced
> from the documentation:
> [root@cluster-02 tmp]# find / -name vznetcfg
> /usr/libexec/libvzctl/scripts/vznetcfg
> Axton Grams
> On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 2:53 PM, Axton <> wrote:
>> I found the container action scripts capability, but this is not
>> sufficient for my needs:
>> The start script runs in the context of the container; I need the
>> equivalent trigger to run a script on the host.  The mount script is
>> executed on the host, but the veth interface has not been created on the
>> host when this script runs.
>> On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 10:49 AM, Axton <> wrote:
>>> Digging through my notes, I accomplished this using a script
>>> /usr/sbin/vznetaddr which parses the ctid.conf file and adds the CT veth
>>> interfaces to a bridge.
>>> and a config file:
>>> $ cat /etc/vz/vznet.conf
>>> EXTERNAL_SCRIPT="/usr/sbin/vznetaddbr"
>>> If no native capabilities exist to make the bridge configuration changes
>>> in Virtuozzo 7, what I need is a way to call a script when the container is
>>> started, after the interface has been created on the host.  Is there a way
>>> to hook into the container startup in this way?
>>> At the end of the day, what I am looking to do is automatlly attach at
>>> container to one or more vlans using veth interfaces.  I accomplished this
>>> in the past using bridge utils. It is important that I can specify which
>>> bridge each veth interface is added to.  Let me know if there is a better
>>> way to do this.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Axton Grams
>>> On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 9:22 PM, Axton <> wrote:
>>>> My host's network uses teaming, bridge, and vlan interfaces.
>>>> There are 4 physical interfaces: enp0s20f0-enp0s20f3
>>>> The 4 physical interfaces are grouped using lacp via teaming.
>>>> [root@cluster-02 ~]# teamdctl team0 config dump actual
>>>> {
>>>>     "device": "team0",
>>>>     "link_watch": {
>>>>         "name": "ethtool"
>>>>     },
>>>>     "ports": {
>>>>         "enp0s20f0": {},
>>>>         "enp0s20f1": {},
>>>>         "enp0s20f2": {},
>>>>         "enp0s20f3": {}
>>>>     },
>>>>     "runner": {
>>>>         "active": true,
>>>>         "fast_rate": true,
>>>>         "name": "lacp",
>>>>         "tx_balancer": {
>>>>             "name": "basic"
>>>>         },
>>>>         "tx_hash": [
>>>>             "eth",
>>>>             "ipv4",
>>>>             "ipv6"
>>>>         ]
>>>>     }
>>>> }
>>>> The switch is configured to send 802.1q (vlan) encapsulated packets for
>>>> a series of vlans.  For each vlan, a vlan interface is configured on the
>>>> linux host and a bridge is configured on top of the vlan iface.  Take vlan
>>>> 80 as an example:
>>>> [root@cluster-02 ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-team0.80
>>>> DEVICE=team0.80
>>>> VLAN=yes
>>>> BOOTPROTO=none
>>>> BRIDGE=vmbr80
>>>> IPV6INIT=no
>>>> MTU=9000
>>>> [root@cluster-02 ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-vmbr80
>>>> VLAN=yes
>>>> TYPE=Bridge
>>>> DEVICE=vmbr80
>>>> PHYSDEV=team0
>>>> VLAN_ID=80
>>>> IPV6INIT=no
>>>> NAME=vlan-vlan80
>>>> ONBOOT=yes
>>>> MTU=9000
>>>> BOOTPROTO=none
>>>> STP=off
>>>> DELAY=0
>>>> In a nutshell: physical ifaces (4) -> team0 -> team0.<vlanid> (10) ->
>>>> vmbr<vlanid> (bridge).  The bridges are all in place and everything works
>>>> as expected with the interface/network configuration on the host:
>>>> [root@cluster-02 ~]# brctl show
>>>> bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
>>>> host-routed             8000.000000000000       no
>>>> virbr1          8000.525400885137       no              virbr1-nic
>>>> vmbr10          8000.0cc47a6b9554       no              team0.10
>>>> vmbr20          8000.0cc47a6b9554       no              team0.20
>>>> vmbr30          8000.0cc47a6b9554       no              team0.30
>>>> vmbr40          8000.0cc47a6b9554       no              team0.40
>>>> vmbr5           8000.0cc47a6b9554       no              team0.5
>>>> vmbr70          8000.0cc47a6b9554       no              team0.70
>>>> vmbr80          8000.0cc47a6b9554       no              team0.80
>>>> vmbr90          8000.0cc47a6b9554       no              team0.90
>>>> vmbr91          8000.0cc47a6b9554       no              team0.91
>>>> vmbr92          8000.0cc47a6b9554       no              team0.92
>>>> In openvz on RHEL 6, I added an interface to a container using vzctl
>>>> like this:
>>>> vzctl set 30000 --netif_add eth4,,veth30000.40,,vmbr40 --save
>>>> I am trying to add a veth interface to a container and specify the
>>>> bridge interface on Virtuozzo 7.
>>>> - vzctl behaves differently, it expects macs.
>>>> - prlctl does not have sufficient options; I can add an interface but
>>>> not specify the bridge device
>>>> - prlsrvctl looks like it only supports physical interfaces (see
>>>> following commands)
>>>> [root@cluster-02 ~]# ip link show vmbr80
>>>> 21: vmbr80: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 9000 qdisc noqueue
>>>> state UP mode DEFAULT
>>>>     link/ether 0c:c4:7a:6b:95:54 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
>>>> [root@cluster-02 ~]# ip a show vmbr80
>>>> 21: vmbr80: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 9000 qdisc noqueue
>>>> state UP
>>>>     link/ether 0c:c4:7a:6b:95:54 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
>>>> [root@cluster-02 ~]# prlsrvctl net add vlan80 -i vmbr90 -t bridged
>>>> --ip
>>>> Failed to find network adapter vmbr90 on the server.
>>>> - vznetcfg does not seem to exist in a state that matches the virtuozzo
>>>> 7 documentation (only see /usr/libexec/libvzctl/scripts/vznetcfg on my
>>>> machine)
>>>> I thought maybe I should add a virtual network and bridge it, but I
>>>> can't seem to find a way to do this.
>>>> I thought maybe I would use vzctl like I did on rhel 6, but that
>>>> requires me to provide mac addresses (rhel 6 would autogen macs)
>>>> At a bit of a loss.  Any help is appreciated.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Axton Grams
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