
thank you all for your reposonses
indeed I needed to connect to the VM via VNC by setting a VNC password

*# prlctl set MyVM --vnc-mode manual --vnc-port 5901 --vnc-passwd XXXXXXXX*

then I could enter via virt-manager the VM + vnc password just set.
Now I boot the VM via PXE that redirect to our cobbler pxe installer and the VM gets installed properly
I can mount the Cdrom and install guest tool from there , thanks .

Sorry, but I think the page https://docs.openvz.org/openvz_users_guide.webhelp/_installing_openvz_guest_tools.html
on chapter 2 => Log in to the virtual machine and do the following:
maybe needs to precise how to "Log in to VM" ! at least a link to https://docs.openvz.org/openvz_users_guide.webhelp/_enabling_vnc_access_to_virtual_machines.html + suggestion to install and use virt-manager would be a good start (needs also Xauth for X11 forwarding via ssh !) or give a full example of cloud-init at https://docs.openvz.org/openvz_users_guide.webhelp/_using_cloud_init_for_virtual_machine_guest_initialization.html


Le 29/08/2016 10:05, Dmitry Mishin a écrit :

On 28/08/16 20:36, "users-boun...@openvz.org on behalf of Jehan Procaccia"
<users-boun...@openvz.org on behalf of jehan.procac...@tem-tsp.eu> wrote:

Le 28/08/2016 14:43, Scott Dowdle a écrit :

----- Original Message -----
but now, how to get into the VM since "prlctl enter dhcpntp" needs
the guest tools !? this is a vicious circle .
the doc says:
2 . Log in to the virtual machine and do the following:
Inside a Linux VM, create a mount point for the optical drive with
the guest tools image and run the installer:
# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
# bash /mnt/cdrom/install

but again, how I get into/ log in to the VM in order to exec those 2
commands inside the VM ?
I must have missed something in between , but what ?
Yeah, I haven't figured that out either.  I used virt-manager to get
the VM installed and the tools installed.  Once the tools were
installed, I could use prlctl as desired.

virt-manager ask for a password to enter the VM !
Where did you get a CentOS 7 image for guest OS? I believe, you use some
image, which was prepared in advance, because otherwise, you're trying to
enter to empty VM.

so I figured out that I needed to set the root password this way
# prlctl set dhcpntp --userpasswd root:secret
Operation failed. Failed to execute the operation. (Details: Guest agent
is not responding: QEMU guest agent is not connected)
Failed to configure the virtual machine.
You can try to stop it and set password on a stopped VM. This would work
if you have a cloud-init service inside VM.

Thank you,

again I am trapped in a vicious circle ! I really wonder how you did
enter / log in the VM without guest agent ?

regards .

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