
It doesn't seem to do anything if the container is running:

[root@sovereign ~]# du -sch /vz/private/101/root.hdd/
114G    /vz/private/101/root.hdd/

[root@sovereign ~]# vzctl exec 101 df -h /
Filesystem         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/ploop42957p1  277G  101G  162G  39% /

[root@sovereign ~]# /usr/sbin/pcompact
Inspect 5120cb33-6817-4888-bd9a-fdbfa87b913e
Inspect /vz/private/101/root.hdd/DiskDescriptor.xml
Disk: /vz/private/101/root.hdd/DiskDescriptor.xml
ploop=288000MB image=115754MB data=108013MB balloon=0MB
Rate: 2.7 (threshold=10)

[root@sovereign ~]# du -sch /vz/private/101/root.hdd/
114G    /vz/private/101/root.hdd/

[root@sovereign ~]# vzctl exec 101 df -h /
Filesystem         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/ploop42957p1  277G  101G  162G  39% /

[root@sovereign ~]# vzctl stop 101

[root@sovereign ~]# /usr/sbin/pcompact
pass4 group:2224 Relocated inodes:0, local:0 extents: 0, blocks 0
Starting relocation
Opening delta /vz/private/101/root.hdd/root.hds
TRUNCATED: 116 cluster-blocks (121634816 bytes)
< tons of output >

[root@sovereign ~]# vzctl start 101

[root@sovereign ~]# du -sch /vz/private/101/root.hdd/
76G    /vz/private/101/root.hdd/

[root@sovereign ~]# vzctl exec 101 df -h /
Filesystem         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/ploop42957p1  277G   57G  207G  22% /

So I guess my question is am I expect to /stop/ and compact my
containers regularly?


On 11/01/2016 02:24 PM, Gena Makhomed wrote:
> On 03.10.2016 18:26, Chris James wrote:
>> I'm running a graphing container on VZ7. Specifically it's running
>> carbon-cache with metrics coming in every minute for a total of 46G of
>> stats spread out over 193349 files. This disk space usage of this
>> containers ploop container is regularly blowing up.
>> Today, I ran the following command:
>> prl_disk_tool compact --hdd /vz/private/101/root.hdd
>> This freed up 172GB of disk space.
>> How do I prevent this kind of fragmentation from building up? Am I
>> expected to compact the ploop images on a regular basis?
> # man pcompact
> # man pcompact.conf
> # cat /etc/cron.d/pcompact

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