El 10/07/17 a les 19:32, Scott Dowdle ha escrit:
> Greetings,
> ----- Original Message -----
>> Sure; but I was talking about dir (=simfs) backingstore.
> quota for simfs has been dropped in OpenVZ 7 anyway... and there isn't an 
> easy solution for it that I'm aware of.  I've been using ploop for OpenVZ and 
> qcow2 for KVM VMs for some time now and wouldn't really want to go back... 
> although there are some diehard ZFS fans who have engineered their own 
> solutions for it that prefer simfs.
> TYL,
Thanks for the comments.
In my plans, after OpenVZ 6 there isn't OpenVZ 7. This is to avoid a
dedicated distro, apart of simfs.

I already tried ploop layout, and the difficult to light-backup and
image shrinking convinced me to return to simfs until some OS level
virtualization solution allows me leave OVZ6.

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