I created an new issue reporting everything, on

On Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 11:56 AM Paulo Coghi - Coghi IT <
pauloco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Now I tried to skip GPG checks using --nogpg on the command
> yum install --nogpg prlctl prl-disp-service
> And I get a different error:
> Error: Transaction test error:
>   file /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-Virtuozzo-9 from install of
> openvz-release-9.0.0-257.vz9.x86_64 conflicts with file from package
> vzlinux-release-3:9.0-39.vl9.x86_64
> Do you know how I could ask Yum to completely ignore the GPG checks for
> now (even those from transaction errors)?
> On Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 11:48 AM Paulo Coghi - Coghi IT <
> pauloco...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello OpenVZ community,
>> I successfully installed the ISO
>> https://download.openvz.org/virtuozzo/factory9/x86_64/iso/openvz-iso-9.0.1-417.iso
>> from 13 february, and it booted without problems.
>> But the problem of public keys not being installed persists. Examples:
>> GPG key at file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-Virtuozzo-9 (0x463278F2)
>> is already installed
>> The GPG keys listed for the "OpenVZ" repository are already installed but
>> they are not correct for this package.
>> Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository..
>> ...
>> ...
>> Public key for prlctl-9.0.2-1.vz9.x86_64.rpm is not installed. Failing
>> package is: prlctl-9.0.2-1.vz9.x86_64
>>  GPG Keys are configured as:
>> file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-Virtuozzo-9
>> I will try to install them without verifying the GPG keys and see how it
>> goes...
>> Paulo Coghi
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