On 04/27/2012 11:30 PM, Juan Hernandez wrote:
On 04/27/2012 05:27 PM, Alex Jia wrote:
Although I haven't try it, I think you're right, I should refresh VM
in loop body.
Let me know what is the result in your environment.
I have tried it and indeed works well for me.
In addition, as I said, it will be convenient if we have wait_for_status
function like before.
I will look into it. I would greatly appreciate if you can open a bug to
request and track it.

It's okay for me, I want to know I need to file a fedora bug? which component?
because I'm doing these on RHEL6.2.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Juan Hernandez"<juan.hernan...@redhat.com>
To: "Alex Jia"<a...@redhat.com>
Cc: users@ovirt.org, "Rita Wu"<r...@redhat.com>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 8:17:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Users] Unable to get latest resource status

On 04/27/2012 12:06 PM, Alex Jia wrote:
On 04/27/2012 04:06 PM, Juan Hernandez wrote:
On 04/26/2012 05:49 PM, Alex Jia wrote:
I built ovirt-engine-sdk rpm based on git repo 
then the ovirt-engine-sdk works well for me, I can get resource information 
from Ovirt/RHEVM(3.0)
on the rhel6.2.

The only question is I can't get latest resource status when I changed VM from 
'suspended' to 'up'
status, the api.vms.get(vm_name).status.state is always 'suspended' status, I 
can get a correct
VM status unless I reconnect Ovirt/RHEVM, it's not convenient for users, I 
remember there are reload
and wait_for_status method in old python binding API of RHEV(python-rhev), the 
wait_for_status method
will reload resource then get current resource status, however, I haven't found 
similar method in
Are you sure you are calling api.vms.get(vm_name) each time? Or are you
doing something like this:

vm = api.vms.get(vm_name)
while vm.status.state == "suspended":
Yeah, I put 'api.vms.get(vm_name)' in a loop body like above codes.
If you are doing that the vm information is retrieved only once, not
each time. If this is the case try something like this:

while api.vms.get(VM_NAME).status.state == "suspended":

Can you share that snippet of code so that I can try to reproduce it?
Okay, I will list my snippet of code in here, you may replace 'logging'
with 'print' then remove
useless '()' if need. thanks.

import time, logging
from ovirtsdk.api import API
from ovirtsdk.xml import params

class RHEV(object):
      RHEV class

      def __init__(self, url, username, password):
              self.api = API(url, username, password)
          except Exception as e:
              logging.error('could not connect: %s\n' % str(e))
              logging.info('success: RHEV manager could be reached OK\n')

      def vm_start(self, vm_name):
              vm = self.api.vms.get(vm_name)
              if vm.status.state != 'up':
                  logging.info('Starting VM')
                  logging.info('Waiting for VM to reach Up status')
                  while vm.status.state != 'up':
I think that the problem is with the line above. The VM object that you
get with "self.api.vms.get(vm_name)" is not automatically refreshed, you
have to refresh it before each iteration calling the "api.vms.get(...)"
method again:

   while api.vms.get(vm_name).status.state != 'up':

Can you try that?

                  logging.debug('VM already up')
          except Exception as e:
              logging.error('Failed to start VM:\n%s' % str(e))

      def vm_suspend(self, vm_name):
          vm = self.api.vms.get(vm_name)
          while vm.status.state != 'suspended':
                  logging.info('Suspend VM')
                  logging.info('Waiting for VM to reach suspended status')
                  while vm.status.state != 'suspended':
Same here ^.


              except Exception as e:
                  if e.reason == 'Bad Request' \
                      and 'asynchronous running tasks' in e.detail:
                      logging.warning('VM has asynchronous running tasks,
trying again')
                      logging.error('Failed to suspend VM:\n%s' % str(e))

      def vm_resume(self, vm_name):
              vm = self.api.vms.get(vm_name)
              if vm.status.state != 'up':
                  logging.info('Resume VM')
                  logging.info('Waiting for VM to resume')
                  while vm.status.state != 'up':
Same here ^.

                  logging.debug('VM already up')
          except Exception as e:
              logging.error('Failed to resume VM:\n%s' % str(e))


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