
On 07/16/2012 05:20 AM, Mike Burns wrote:
This is the current agenda for the 2012-07-18 meeting:

* Status of Next Release
* Sub-project reports (engine, vdsm, node, infra)
* Upcoming workshops
* wiki organization (dneary)

If you have additional topics to cover, please reply and I'll add them
to the agenda.

I am travelling this week for OSCON, so I have limited internet availability, and I'm way outside my usual timezone.

I will be lurking in IRC tomorrow at that time, but I would love to hear any questions/suggestions beforehand, and I'll give a quick summary here of where we are for the wiki & release work that's going on.

* Wiki organisation

I created this page to list things we need to do: http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/Website_organisation - some of the top priorities I have are to take care of things like consistent page naming: http://www.ovirt.org/project/community/ and orphan pages: http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/Special:LonelyPages - the orphan pages link looks really bad, but most of the pages there are in a category (this, however, does not count as being linked for this page - and I would like to see us explicitly linking to pages from others, grouping and structuring pages).

We need to figure out what should be on the front page, how we're going to group all the information that's in the wiki already, and redo the front page to reflect that.

* Release work

I would really like to have some demo videos, and have created a skeleton page for the video screencasts here: http://wiki.ovirt.org/wiki/Screencasts - I identified ~10 features from the thread we had last week which we'd like to see demoed.

Now I need help.

Each feature needs prerequisites/set-up (things you need to do or have before you start the demo), and instructions for giving the demo. I created a template for each feature, and gave my best effort for two features (adding a new VM, and migrating a guest to a different node), but I really do not yet have the domain knowledge or experience with the project to do this work, at this point I need volunteers to help out.

Once we have the features we want to test described, people can start recording the videos (we still need to figure out how to gather them, I was thinking attachments to the wiki would be fine for the time being, eventually they should end up on YouTube). And once we have the raw video, we can add voice-overs.

So please help!


Dave Neary
Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards Team, Red Hat
Phone: +33 9 50 71 55 62

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