On 08/06/2012 12:07 AM, Artem wrote:
hmm... not sure if understood correctly...

vm-srv this KVM host.. (server) and I connect from another machine to vm on kvm.

did you install the engine and kvm host on same machine?

this subject name i get in .spicec/spice_truststore.pem

yes, spice trusts the CA, but client needs to validate the target host certificate.
(if you run engine and host on same machine, try:
"C=US, O=ICL, CN=vm-srv"
(assuming you added the host with hostname of vm-srv to engine. if you added it with fqdn or ip, use them under last CN)

# cat .spicec/spice_truststore.pem
         Version: 3 (0x2)
         Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
         Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
         Issuer: C=US, O=ICL, CN=CA-vm-srv.15064
             Not Before: Jul 28 03:42:06 2012
             Not After : Jul 26 23:42:07 2022 GMT
         Subject: C=US, O=ICL, CN=CA-vm-srv.15064
         Subject Public Key Info:
             Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                 Public-Key: (2048 bit)

2012/8/6 Itamar Heim <ih...@redhat.com>:
this looks like the subject name of the CA, not the host running the virtual

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