On 13/08/2012, at 10:55 PM, Ricardo Esteves wrote:
> Hi,
> I the attached picture "net1.jpg" i have my initial network configuration.
> Physical card (em1) with vlan 10 (em1.10) bridged to the ovirtmgmt with IP 
> and default gw 
> Now i want to bond em1 card with p1p1 card (attached picture net2.jpg)
> But if i fill the default gw it gives me this error: The default gateway 
> should be set only on engine network.
> If i don't fill the default gw, when i click ok, i loose connection to the 
> server and then after more or less 1 minute the server automaticaly reboots.
> Anyone had this kind of problem?

Two thoughts here: ;)

 * The "lose connection to the server" bit sort of sounds like
   this bug:


   Reckon that's a match?

 * Aside from that, you might have to manually configure
   networking for the hosts from the command line.  Using the
   normal Linux commands I mean, not oVirt specific ones.

     i.e. creating the bridging and everything manually.

   This is the approach I had to take last week when trying
   out Aeolus with oVirt 3.1.  Network layer breaks when
   adding a 2nd interface, but was able to work around it
   by manually creating the bridges from cli, after having
   defined the logical networks in the oVirt Web UI.

The "configure things manually" approach isn't all that
documented either.  I kind of stumbled my way through, by
looking at the examples here:


Is any of that helpful?

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

> Best regards,
> Ricardo Esteves.

Aeolus Community Manager

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