
The minutes don't show it, but we had a very active and wide-ranging discussion about the website redesign - including: * the tools to use (Garrett would like us to use just one tool, instead of having a separate wiki, to avoid having to do the design & theming work twice)
* The main objectives of the site
* How the design matches up to those objectives
* Specifically, what dyasny is looking for from the VDSM hooks download site, and how we might integrate that

I encourage those of you who have time to read through the log, and failing that, to read through Garrett's design document explaining the redesign: http://people.redhat.com/glesage/oVirt/background-info/design.html and compare it to the current state of the mock-up he has been working on: http://people.redhat.com/glesage/oVirt/website/mockup-1/ - and give feedback on how well he is doing so far.

Thanks everyone!


On 09/05/2012 05:50 PM, Mike Burns wrote:
Minutes:        http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-09-05-14.07.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-09-05-14.07.txt

#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync

Meeting started by mburns at 14:07:13 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2012/ovirt.2012-09-05-14.07.log.html

Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call  (mburns, 14:07:33)

* Next Releaes  (mburns, 14:10:15)

* Next Releae  (mburns, 14:10:35)

* Next Release  (mburns, 14:10:38)
   * ACTION: mburns to track down maintainers and get agreement on dates
     and feature set for next release  (mburns, 14:14:37)
   * ACTION: mburns to propose new role in the project  (mburns,
   * no one here so no reason for sub-project reports or release status
     updates  (mburns, 14:17:48)

* infra report  (mburns, 14:17:55)
   * need new hosting, working on plan for both short and long term
     (mburns, 14:19:00)
   * Infra team  is likely to takeover the Trac instance on fedorahosted
     for the time being  (quaid, 14:19:25)
   * for those unaware, this trac instance was used by ovirt-node team
     prior to relaunch of the project a year ago  (mburns, 14:20:15)
   * Infra is ready to implement whatever website solution is decided
     above our level  (quaid, 14:20:59)
   * correction -- no code sub-project maintainers around, there are
     other people around (and infra maintainers are here)  (mburns,

* website design  (mburns, 14:23:03)
   * discussing pros/cons to moving completely to mediawiki  (mburns,
   * requirements  (mburns, 14:47:23)
   * 1.  integrated search across main site and wiki  (mburns, 14:47:37)
   * 2.  some method to handle dynamic content like vdsm plugins
     (mburns, 14:47:55)
   * 3.  Makes it easy to find out about and download oVirt  (mburns,
   * 4.  Provides quickstart guide  (mburns, 14:48:33)
   * 4.  access control for some main site pages  (mburns, 14:49:11)
   * LINK:
     (garrett_, 14:50:33)
   * LINK:
     (garrett_, 14:50:36)
   * 5.  Provides a user-friendly gateway to get in contact with the
     oVirt developers to ask a question, report a bug, see what is
     planned for the project, or suggest a future improvement  (mburns,
   * 6.  Provides a valuable resource to new oVirt developers explaining
     the development processes, architecture and community standards of
     the project  (mburns, 14:52:15)
   * 7.  Gives a glimpse into the work and life of the oVirt development
     team  (mburns, 14:52:57)
   * 8.  Provide oVirt community members with a way to distribute and
     promote add-ons to the main oVirt project  (mburns, 14:53:13)
   * 9.  (debated) main site and wiki are distinct  (mburns, 14:54:03)

* Workshops  (mburns, 14:55:34)

* back to website design  (mburns, 14:57:40)
   * LINK:
     (garrett_, 15:01:05)
   * LINK:
     (garrett_, 15:02:00)
   * LINK:
     (garrett_, 15:03:40)

Meeting ended at 15:46:14 UTC.

Action Items
* mburns to track down maintainers and get agreement on dates and
   feature set for next release
* mburns to propose new role in the project

Action Items, by person
* mburns
   * mburns to track down maintainers and get agreement on dates and
     feature set for next release
   * mburns to propose new role in the project
   * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* garrett_ (199)
* dneary (112)
* mburns (91)
* sgordon (86)
* quaid (58)
* dyasny (32)
* RobertM (29)
* lh (11)
* jbrooks (10)
* jb_netapp (5)
* cctrieloff (5)
* ovirtbot (5)
* dustins (1)

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