Steve Gordon wrote:
Has anyone else experienced this issue?
Yes, not related to oVirt but on a database server also running
Postgres. It seems that either the package maintainer is very
conservative or postgres itself is. Standard on the Debian 6 server
also very low shmmax.
What is the OS you run ovirt-engine on?

I'm going to take a stab and guess Fedora. This came up for an unrelated reason 
in #fedora-devel the other day, because Fedora (and I suspect Debian as well) 
has a policy of sticking as close to upstream as possible it uses the shmmax of 
the upstream kernel - which is as you note quite low. In RHEL and other EL6 
derivatives this value is modified and set much higher.


OK, learned something because I didn't suspect that Fedora would be so low because its set higher in RHEL en for example CentOS that I use on a db production platform.
Thought that Fedora and RHEL were much closer.


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