On 09/25/2012 12:17 PM, Mike Burns wrote:
Meeting Time and Place
oVirt Weekly Sync
       * Wednesdays @ 15:00 UTC (may change during DST changes) - always
at 7:00am US Pacific, 10:00am US Eastern.
               * To see in your timezone date -d 'WEDNESDAY 1000 EDT'
               * On IRC: #ovirt on irc.oftc.net

This is the agenda for the 2012-09-26 meeting:

         * Status of Next Release (Release Criteria, Target GA date)
         * Sub-project reports (engine, vdsm, node, infra)
         * Workshops

If you have other topics, please reply to me and I will add them to the
agenda.  If you propose a topic, please be prepared to lead the
discussion during the meeting.

Please note that this week's meeting will be run by Karsten (quaid)
since I'm out of the office.



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this week the meeting falls on Yom Kipur, which is probably the only day even emails aren't read by many of my team.
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