On 09/28/2012 06:43 PM, Frank Soyer wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm testing oVirt on 3 hosts as a possible replacement for Proxmox.
> I've some trouble to understand the network part of the config (for
> beginning, I'll have some other questions about glusterfs later :)) and
> need some lights.
> The environment :
> - Engine host, no-virtualisation capability, one NIC eth0
> - 2 nodes, virtualisation OK, 2 NICs eth0,eth1
> - oVirt 3.1 on CentOS 6.3.
> The installation of engine/nodes was OK, no problem at all on the 3 nodes.
> The NIC eth0 on all hosts was manually bound on a bridge "ovirtmgmt",
> respectively on, .2, .3
> ovirmgmt appears on the console as the management network, no problem,
> just a first question :
> it is marked as "VM network", and no way to change that. What if I want
> that this network to be dedicated on physical hosts only ?

On 3.2 Data Center you should be able to change the VM Network property
of the ovirtmgmt network as long there are no clusters defined on the
DC. In order to modify network property on DC level it should be
detached from the DC's clusters, however since the management network
cannot be detached from a cluster you should configure it prior to
adding clusters to the DC. Update non-management network could be done
by detaching the network from all clusters, modifying the network and
re-assign the network to the clusters.

> Second, I tried to create a logical network, call it "vmnetwork", linked
> it to datacenter and cluster. In the network interface configuration
> window on the hosts, I can link vmnetwork on eth0, but when validating
> an error occurs saying that eth0 is already linked to ovirmgmt. So I
> can't have management network and vm network on the same NIC , even on a
> virtual nic (tried with vlan=0 and vlan=10 on vmnetwork, same thing) ?

You could do that by defining the management network as vlan (requires
configuring the network manually on the host) and set the vlan-tag on
the ovirtmgmt network on DC's logical network sub-tab. Alternately, you
should be able to attach networks with vlan-tag to an interface which a
non-vm network (bridgeless) is already attached to it.

> Third, is this a bug when I come back to the configuration window, that
> the networks (for ovirmgmt and vmnetwork) return to "DHCP" ? If I forgot
> to re-check the static network, the host lose all it's network config
> and is declared non-responsive then rebooted..... Bad !

What cluster level does the host member of? Is this behaviour in 'Setup
Networks' or on 3.0 cluster?

> Thank you for helping me to understand.
> Frank
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