On 11/15/2012 04:38 PM, Alan Johnson wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 1:11 AM, Igor Lvovsky <ilvov...@redhat.com
> <mailto:ilvov...@redhat.com>> wrote:
>       Hi Alan,
>     If I understand you correctly, you try to add a new VM-VLANed
>     network (sandbox)
>     to interface em1 that already has another VM network (ovirtmgmt).

That's a bit strange - but might be a bug that was already solved.
Currently (on nightly build for example) the UI blocks the option to
attach a vlanned network to a nic that has already non-vlanned network

>     If so, this operation is not permited. You can't attach VM-VLANed
>     network and
>     VM-nonVLANed network to same interface.
> Good to know.  I'll start working on another solution that might work
> once I get around the blocking bug (more on this in response to Roy
> shortly).  Is there a way to convert the ovirtmgmt network to VLAN'd?  

In order to configure ovirtmgmt over a vlan you do the following:
1. Create new Data-Center
2. Edit in the Data-Center the ovirtmgmt under the 'Logical Networks'
sub tab and set the required vlan-id for it.
3. Manually configured the ovirtmgmt on the host as a vlan with the same
4. Add a new Cluster to the Data-Center and assign the 'ovirtmgmt'
network to it.
5. Add the host with the manually configured 'ovirtmgmt' network to it.

At this point you should be able to define more Logical Networks on the
Data-Center with vlans, assign them to the cluster and attach them to
the host using the 'setup networks' to the same nic on which the
'ovirtmgmt' is defined.

> Also, while I have your attention, I expect I will have to enable each
> VLAN on each host's port of the connected switch, which means I have to
> set each port with multiple VLANs to trunk mode.  Is that right?

Seems tight. If you have more than a single nic on the host, you could
consider defining a bond and attach the logical networks (since you
mentioned Vlan) on top of it.
It yet requires to configure the ovirtmgmt manually on the host as vlan
on top of that bond.

>     To be sure that this is a case, I need to know your vdsm version
>     and vdsm log will be good as well
> There is nothing in the log with that time stamp (as Roy has observed,
> it is not getting that far), but here are the versions just FYI:
> [root@cloudhost01 ~]# rpm -qa | fgrep vdsm
> vdsm-python-4.10.0-0.44.14.el6.x86_64
> vdsm-xmlrpc-4.10.0-0.44.14.el6.noarch
> vdsm-4.10.0-0.44.14.el6.x86_64
> vdsm-cli-4.10.0-0.44.14.el6.noarch
> vdsm-gluster-4.10.0-0.44.14.el6.noarch
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