I'm going to describe the bug. 

You create a virtual machine with a thin provisioning hard disk. 

You select the virtual machine (which it was stopped in my case) and click on 
"Make template". 

You wait so that it ends but then when checking storage domain you notice that 
your template has the same size as if it was a preallocated image! 
I suppose that in some of the cases you can run out of space. 

I've been complaining on the irc about what it seemed Manager to ignore that 
the "Make template" task had finished, I mean just ignore it for about 30 
minutes and then saying everything it's ok. But... that's another history. 
Two irc people stated that usually people ran this bug where the virtual 
machine gets the preallocated size instead of the thin provisioning one. 

Although they were not quite sure there's supposedly a bug around this subject 
which I couldn't find on bugzilla. 

If the bug is as the one as I describe I would be happy to contribute to it 
with my setup details and logs so that you can find whatever makes it not 
happen in my case while most of the people run accross it. 

Thank you for any information you can provide. 


Adrián Gibanel 
I.T. Manager 

+34 675 683 301 

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